We participate in the IAB CCPA Compliance Framework for Publishers & Technology Companies (“IAB Framework”). This means that where you exercise your right to opt-out of the sale your personal information by clicking Do Not Sell My Personal Information, to the extent we sell your personal information in order to deliver ads tailored to your interests, we will notify downstream participants of the IAB Framework that receive personal information about you to only use your personal information for those specific and limited purposes that are permitted under the IAB Framework.

Please note that the scope of the IAB Framework opt-out may only apply to personal information from the specific browser or device from which you opt-out. In addition, exercising your right to opt-out of the sale of your personal information does not mean that you will stop seeing ads or that you will stop seeing interest-based ads. To learn more about interest-based advertising across sites and additional opt-out choices, please review the information set forth in the Analytics and Interest-Based Advertising section of our Privacy Policy, “Your Rights and Choices.” Where you opt-out of the sale for purposes of the CCPA, but do not opt-out of interest-based advertising more generally, you may continue to receive ads tailored to your interests based upon personal information not sold by us, sold to other IAB participants at least 90 days before you opted out, or sold by other sources from which you have not opted out. We are not responsible for any downstream participants’ compliance with the IAB Framework or the accuracy of their privacy policies or statements regarding their opt-out options or programs.