You have choices related to your personal information, and these rights may have different names under different laws. You have the right to: (1) access your personal information, (2) correct inaccurate information, (3) request we delete personal information, and (4) opt out of sales, sharing, and targeted advertising. You may also have rights that do not apply to us because we do not use your personal information for those purposes, such as the right to opt out of certain profiling and the right to limit the use of your sensitive personal information. If we decline to take action on your request, you can appeal.

To exercise any of these rights, please complete the relevant portion of the form that follows.  For more information about our privacy practices,
click here.

If you would like to submit a request as an authorized agent on behalf of another individual, please email with a subject line of “Privacy Rights Request”. Please identify which privacy right(s) you would like to exercise.